Exclusive: The Hidden Truth Behind Developer Mortgages Risks


Exclusive: The Hidden Truth Behind Developer Mortgages Risks

Potential Difficulties and How to Cope When Switching from a Developer Mortgage to a Bank Mortgage

As the real estate market shifts, more and more buyers are opting for developer mortgages to take advantage of initial low-interest rates. However, this choice is not without risk. When buyers switch to a bank mortgage from a developer mortgage, they may encounter various problems. This article delves into the risks of developer mortgages and how to cope with them.


The Appeal and Potential Risks of Developer Mortgages
Buyers are often drawn to developer mortgages by the initial low-interest rate. However, when they switch to a bank mortgage, they may encounter risks such as a decline in property prices or insufficient property valuation. These risks may require buyers to find temporary funding to cover a smaller loan amount.


Examples of Switching from Developer Mortgages to Bank Mortgages
For instance, suppose a buyer purchases a property valued at 7 million and receives a 70% mortgage from the developer, resulting in a loan of 4.9 million. However, when they switch to a bank mortgage, the property is assessed at only 6 million. Even if the bank also offers a 70% mortgage, the loan amount drops to 4.2 million. This means the borrower needs to come up with an additional 700,000 to successfully switch mortgages, or risk dealing with the high-interest period of the developer mortgage.


Government Policy Influence and Response Methods
With the government relaxing the maximum loan-to-value ratio for first mortgages, more buyers have the opportunity to obtain high ratio mortgages and select higher-priced properties. In this situation, buyers should be more cautious in evaluating the value of the property and finding suitable options. Additionally, to avoid risks during the switch to a bank mortgage, buyers should research the mortgage policies of different banks in advance and conduct risk assessments and financial planning before purchasing property.


Recommendations and Strategies
Buyers should fully understand the differences between developer and bank mortgages when purchasing property, and make appropriate choices based on their specific circumstances. Here are some suggestions and strategies to help buyers cope with the risks of developer mortgages:

  1. Evaluate the Property Value: Buyers should fully assess the value of the property and the market trends in the area to avoid purchasing overpriced properties.
  2. Prepare Funding in Advance: To cope with potential funding shortages during the switch process, buyers should prepare a certain amount of funding in advance for emergencies.
  3. Understand Bank Policies: Before purchasing property, buyers should research the mortgage policies of different banks and select a suitable mortgage plan.
  4. Increase Mortgage Options: Buyers can try to apply for mortgages from multiple banks during the switch process to increase the chances of success and reduce risks.
    Seek Professional Advice: Buyers can seek advice from professionals such as lawyers or mortgage brokers during the property purchase and switch process to make wise decisions.

Developer mortgages do have some appeal in the short term, but buyers should consider the potential risks when making a choice. By conducting reasonable financial planning, understanding market trends, selecting suitable properties and mortgage plans, and seeking professional advice during the switch process, buyers can effectively reduce risks and enjoy the process of purchasing property.

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